Jun 05, 2005 15:37
Nicholas: my cool german word of the day is Sprachwissenschaft.
Andreas: heh, why that?
Nicholas: just came across it in a book citation
Nicholas: no idea what it means, but it sounds good
Andreas: heh
Nicholas: sprach is speach
Andreas: do you want to know?
Nicholas: sure, if you can tell me!
Andreas: it's the science of languages
Andreas: wissenschaft = science
Nicholas: ooh, okay
Nicholas: i'm reading about palæoanthropologial linguistics
Nicholas: as one does on a sunday afternoon
Andreas: heh
Still to do:
Read Leigh's blog. I have discovered NetNewsWire doesn't give me private livejournal posts and I've been missing out on loads of entries :-(
Post an entry about my recent trip to Hungary.
Unpack suitcase, tidy bedroom, wash hallway carpets, erase garden, clean kitchen, etc…