A list is just a list, until it's looked at by other lists...

Jul 28, 2004 12:21

Three reasons why August 15th is going to rock:

1. Olympic basketball in Athens starts up, and Oct./ Nov. is oh so far away. Plus, I think Larry Brown is my favorite coach, and it'll be nice to see him at work again. I just want to put him in my pocket and take him wherever I go (I know it's not the first time I've mentioned it, but bear with me).

2. Payday, for obvious reasons. As much fun as dancing on tables every night is, the paycheck is a little more then just a perk. Of course I'm kidding....the paycheck really is just a perk. :O)

3. Moving to Sacramento in a more permanent fashion/ getting out of the High Desert. Oh southern California, it may be safe to say I'm done with you, with only a few exceptions.

For those who have not been to LA/ Hollywood, let me offer you this: based upon whatever preconceived notion you may have about this area, you'll be disappointed. The few hours you spend taking it in are not worth the voyage and patience it takes to get there, not to mention that really, of those few hours, only 30-45 minutes of that time is spent actually sight seeing, the remainder of the time spent in traffic between 'hot spots'. I will credit the area this, though; there are a few rockin' museums in that area, but if that's not your thing, please don't sit on Hollywood Blvd all day expecting to see Angelina Jolie taking her dog for a walk. Firstly, she doesn't inflate her lips when she's not working, so you probably wouldn't recognize her anyway, and, secondly, these aren't people you catch unless you work for Star Magazine. KFI, awesome LA based talk radio station, but you can download it on the internet...so that I highly suggest.

You can pick up my LA Guide book entitled "You Owe Me Big Time for Saving You a Trip to Grendel's Den" at all Border's and fine book store locations.
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