(no subject)

May 25, 2006 00:11

So we had a week of ca. 40 degree weather, then about 50 with tons of rain and wind, then about 3 days of 60s and 70s, and today it was 85 and humid. Except for tomorrow, that's basically the forecast from here on out. Apparently we skipped the whole "Oooh, it's a beautiful Spring day!" bit.

Which wouldn't suck so bad if my dad hadn't pointed out that my air conditioner doesn't work. UGH. I may be sleeping in the basement.


Oooooh, my head hurts...

Best line: "I think I crashed your plane."

It's Libby, with Bad Backstory Hair! And ironically, I'd just pouted that we didn't have any Libby backstory, other than her showing up in Hurley's.

Yay, chick from The Librarian! Dad pointed out that she (and the cold Portuguese/Brazilian dudes) are the first people we've seen in the 'real' world in the present time. He thinks she'll be back bunches, which would explain why she doesn't seem to be in the Librarian sequel.

Yay, Clancy! Holy @$#%!, he's Kelvin! It's interesting to see how the timeline parallels (I thought Kelvin had been gone for most of the time Desmond was there), but also the truth behind the fibs Desmond told. Kelvin came running out yelling, Kelvin got sick, etc.

Okay, the foot statue? Can't wait to figure out what that's all about. (And hey, the whole smoke-monster bit? That would be good to revisit, too. Hint, hint.)

So Henry's the big shot. Damn, and I thought he was creepy before.

Love the tube drop in the middle of nowhere. And either it's been a long time since anyone was around to collect them, or they never did in the first place. Either way, very OMG, What the Hell.

Dude, totally called the "no, the people watching the others are the suckers" angle.

So Widmore was the name of the company that made the pregnancy test, and the balloon or something else. My guess is that they were big in funding the Dharma Initiative, and for whatever reason still-Miss Widmore is now trying to find Daddy's Pet Project. I don't think she realizes there's a connection to Desmond, unless she was somehow able to connect where he disappeared in the boat to the same part of the ocean where Daddy has a Secret. And considering that all the people who ended up there, with all the connections - Libby, Jack; Kelvin, Sayid, etc. - I can't see THIS one possible connection between Penny and Desmond being huge. Huge in continuing/resolving the issue, maybe, but not in how it got started.

And, they said "we might have found IT," not "him," so they're not reffing that they found Desmond specifically. And, there's really no way an electromagnetic anomaly could logically indicate "yay, Desmond's boat!" so unless she has reason to believe that Desmond's boat (and therefore, Desmond) is connected to the electromagnetic anomaly, she's looking for the e.a. itself.

What all that means, I have no freaking idea.

As for Jack, Kate, and Sawyer - no clue where they're going with that, but it'll be interesting.

Michael & Walt - my guess was they'll kill Walt, or somehow get rid of him, 'cause it'll be damn hard to keep a kid that age looking like only a few months have passed. Interesting that the Others seemed freaked by him. Michael is headed for trouble, because I don't know that he can realistically rejoin the group - either they "escape" or he bites it, perhaps in some redeeming manner, but with this show you never know.

Dad also pointed out that he thinks Michael & Walt will run into Sayid, Sun & Jin, which will probably initiate the rescue of Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Makes sense to me... Very interesting that you can only get away by following a certain bearing.

Damn, they're good.


Last day for seniors tomorrow - woo-hoo!

lost, weather

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