(no subject)

May 22, 2006 13:01

Dear Chick Who Likes to Outbid Me in the Last 10 Seconds of Auctions for Paulie's Perfect Present:

Do it to me this time and I'll hurt you. Because I've gone up to the max that I would ever possibly pay for this item, and if you want to outbid me? You're gonna have to work for it. And in the end, even if I lose, it's gonna hurt.


And in the continuing saga of last week's Lost episode:

Forgot to tape. Okay, torrents. One faster than the other. Continue with fast one, discontinue slow one.

Try to open file last night to watch it - won't open. Eventually discover I was trying to open the unfinished file. Okay, fine.

Open finished file. Previous week's episode.

Resume downloading unfinished file. Open file. Also previous week's episode, complete with desired ep's title, which caused initial confusion regarding episode represented by first finished file.


Found correct file (theoretically, at least). Downloaded. Watched bits just to make sure, and hallelujah, it's the right episode!! Now I just have to wait for Dad to be home, and for 24 to not be on.


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