What?! Turn it Up a Little Bit

Apr 10, 2003 22:26

i've realized that it is better to be loud then to be more to yourself. If your loud at least 6 people will have heard what you said instead of maybe just one person. And Another Thing For Example. If you yell across campus to a girl just to say hi to her, it is a lot nicer then the typical walking by hello. I figure if you embarras her or make her come out of her way to get your across campus hi, she has to be thinking about you for just a little bit and your extremes to say hi. While if you just say hi right in front of you to a girl, she doesn't even have to think and you got an automatic hello right back. I feel if your loud and abnoxious, more people get involved and will respond back to you. ( sometimes bad too )That Way everyone wants to talk to you. The Key to being loud is to keep your confidence up, and keep your voice loud. Even when you tell a story and you put a lot of noise into it and get obnoxious more people are feeling your story and it is better. Also if your obnoxious and just goofing around being loud all the time you will get more reponce from poeple and more likely to have a better day. More people would rather see more interesting obnoxious people then boring quite ones, i think anyway.
"Oohhhh, Everybody from the 313 put your mother fucking hands up and follow me, Everybody from the 313 put your mother fucking hands up and follow me! "
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