I Didn't Do Anything

Mar 30, 2003 01:05

Me and Mark were having fun, it's friday night things were going good. We were both kinda drunk, walking around novato because we had to ride. ( We did make an honest attepmt to get to some parties too, oh well we were having a fun time walking, some girls picked us for a little while anyway ) Then we were walking down San Carlos Way and we saw the American Flag above a garage. We were like "oh cool" so we walk over to look at it, stand on top of these wood poles like 4 feet off the ground to look at and touch it. But before you can say anything the next door neighbor who is like 4 times as big as us, (not joking) runs over and tackles us off the platform. ^Here's my side of what happened^ I went down hard, my head hit the cement and my face took it to the ground i was then wrestled on top off my face on top of the drive way. Then dude was like "You Mother Fuckers, your going to Jail!". I guess Mark got away because he was gone and then i was joined on top of my some other guy , and they were both arm locking me and shit and i couldn't do anything. I mean i am pritty strong too, but these two huge guys were at least 250 pounds and Plus so i was done. He was cusing me out the whole time, putting holds on me. The cops come and hand cuffed me and put me in the back of their car. They took my information asked me if i had been drinking, i said "yes". Then this dude finds out that it was me, Nick Lerch. Well this dude Turns out to be Troy Bartok's dad and was like i thought you were the class of 05, they broke my car window last week and spray paint our drive way. The cops didnt check my alcohol rate so they had no case. i was really cool about the whole thing for being ASSUALTED, my ear was collie flowered a little bit, my knees were bleeding, my hands had a couple cuts and face too. But i was okay. The dumb Bitch comes out her house and was like my car is dented. The police Asked me did you dent the car i said no, i never touched the car i was takled to the ground. They also knew i was 18 too. Then They asked the neighbor could of you dented the car takling him the ground, he said Yes. The cop was like sorry mam it was a civil act. The stuiped bitch still wanted me to pay for it.. Mean while Mark got away and ran all the way home, called Julious and they thought i was kidnapped. They drove by and saw me handcuffed by the cops. Mark ran away while i got my ass kicked for no reason. I was so pissed, i would of fucked up anyone by the time i got home. I was eventually set free, the cop wouldnt even give me a ride home, i had done nothing wrong. The next day Mr. Bartok comes to Apple and talks to me ( i work there, he didnt know that though). He basically came to apologize, he said im sorry i hope you didnt hit your head, the lady had a 2 inch dent and doesnt want to do anything. I hope your not hurt, i thought you were somebody else, i know your friends with troy and he told me that you drive and stuff so you were just walking home, like a person with brains would. I feel really bad,i got my adrainline going and couldn't stop. it was like the wrong place at the wrong time.. I didn't want to be an asshole because he did apologize and stuff, and he knew he fucked up, and plus i like troy and stuff so its okay it can slide i guess.
Later my friends were like i would of sued the fuck out of all them, bought your fucking RX-7 and said fuck you.
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