I joined CafeMom last week, and I belong to a breastfeeding group. Another member found a thread posted in a "young moms" group, and this is how it went:
"So this post was about breastmilk vs. formula
Some of the responses really bothered me. Some of these mothers really disapoint me..
This is what the lady who posted it said
Did you breast feed,
Read more... )
Hi! Hope you don't mind me responding.
I was in the pregnancy community (However, I am not pregnant, so naturally, I do not post) and I was looking through the birth announcement tags and saw yours. Olive is beautiful and a lovely name, and you have pink hair. So I clicked onto your journal and just read this entry. I didn't know your age until reading it, but I had to chime in. I am also 21. My husband (32) and I plan to have children as soon as we can (I just moved to the UK in January so I am still trying to settle in here), but we have discussed this "issue" (breastfeeding versus formula) and we both are so for breast feeding. There are so many things provided in breastmilk that you just CANNOT get in formula. I would much rather provide what my body is naturally making for my [hypothetical, at the moment] baby as opposed to what some company has made and is selling. The benefits outweigh anything else.
I would think one would be proud of nurturing and feeding their child, especially after the incredible nine months of carrying a child.
I don't really understand those viewpoints (stating that breasts are hideous after breastfeeding.)
Your breasts will change whether or not you breastfeed. They are silly and need to get over themselves.
Can I put you on my friend's list?
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