Jul 28, 2007 01:44
I joined CafeMom last week, and I belong to a breastfeeding group. Another member found a thread posted in a "young moms" group, and this is how it went:
"So this post was about breastmilk vs. formula
Some of the responses really bothered me. Some of these mothers really disapoint me..
This is what the lady who posted it said
Did you breast feed, formula feed or both? Why???
I personally formula fed from the beginning till she started drinking juice at around 1 1/2 yrs old. It's more expensive but I didn't want the burden of "pumping milk" out of my body and I was scared it would ruin the way my boobs looked.
I had a friend who breast fed her son till he was 2 1/2 yrs old!!! She showed me her boobs and I was like, "OMG, why are you still breast feeding?" Her answer was, cause I don't wanna buy formula and whenever my boobs fill up, they look huge! (she had always been fla chested)"
another mom just one for example replied
Quoting MamaPeanut:
I bottle-fed from day one, formula. I didn't want to have to deal with the hassle of never being able to go out, being the only one who could feed the baby, and the embarassment and rudeness of nursing in public. Yeah, formula isn't cheap, but My fiance and I are financially stable, so it wasn't an issue. Making a bottle takes all of 30 seconds and you can do it anywhere. I've seen what boobs look like after a woman breastfeeds, and it's nasty, no way am I going to do that to my perfect 34D's! :)
I just thought these mothers opinions are horrible"
Being young myself (21), I'd just like to ask what the hell is wrong with my generation??? Is it just me or are most pregnant/new moms my age extremely vain? It seems like MOST of them care about their looks more than their child. I feel so disgusted!
*end rant*