So my vacation is over and its back to work…*sigh* ah oh well - I have no choice. But luckily the offices were closed on Monday so it wasn’t so rush right back into everything, especially since ive been gone for like 8 years.
and plus starting next week my schedule is changing - ill be working the afternoon shift and part of my regular shift since the producer for the afternoon is going on maternity leave for 3 months so that will be something else I have to get used to, but at least my hours will be better - 3p to 9p. ill still be able to sleep in, but also wont be getting home at 1 in the morning. And hopefully ill be able to see Ryan more often too. J Too bad its only temporary… ill enjoy it while it lasts.
My mom and I came back to find out that my dad got direct tv installed woohoo! *jumps for joy* we had dish network but I didn’t have it upstairs (only had 2-13, the basic channels) and now with direct tv, I can watch almost anything now, record on the dvr in the base and the best part - I GET TO WATCH THE YANKEE GAMES since we have YES !!!! *yo mucho excited-o*
These are a couple of shirts that I got last week and I thought that’d share with you all cause they are just too awesome not too J (I also got another one, but I didn’t have time to take a pic of it but its just a greenish-blue tee with the words ‘dream on’ in the center in like a faint lightish blue)
i got a bumble shirt!! They had a red one with a few of the misfits on it with ‘misfits’ underneath, but I like blue better and I just love the bumble J">
You know when you see something and you instantly are like I HAVE TO HAVE THAT!? Well this shirt was the cause of one of those moments…. I LOVE IT!! I can’t wait to wear it in the summer…">
Ryan came up to on Sunday … I was so excited cause I hadn’t seen him in over a week since I was away. We went to get pizza before we were going to see the Lemony Snicket movie, which I’ve only read the 1st book but the movie was the first, second and third book I guess since the books are only about 160 pages each, but it was pretty good - the kids were awesome and so was jim carrey… I love him in almost every movie he’s done. Enough sidetracking, after the movie we met up with Melissa and Jen at the diner and had something to eat. Then we just hung out, driving around and showing him the fabulous nice that is called Westchester County, NY (insert sarcasm). We then went back to my house for a bit cause I wanted him to check my connections for my PS2 and vcr since with the direct tv installed, I think that my dad messed up one of the lines, but I was the one who figured it out (actually I just remembered that I have to put my vcr on ‘vcr’ output to watch a tape or get the ps2 on) and we watched some tv for awhile until I had to drive him back to the train station.
And so we got to the train station and the train came pretty soon after that, and he said ‘I wish I could stay longer’ and I said ‘me too’ and we kissed (and well we have kissed before but its been more like just quick like *mwah* kisses, and this time was just nice and a little longer and real sweet. And I wish that we could’ve just kept kissing and that he didn’t have to get on the train and go. And the sweet thing is that he hasn’t tried to push or rush things, but just let things just go and happen and I really like that - its not so pressured and I don’t feel like I have to explain myself or anything, its just natural and easy going and flowing….Why does he have to live 2 hours away ? L this is the first time that ive been this way - all happy and actually glad to possibly start a relationship(not rushing anything) and have thoughts about wanting one, and yearning in anticipation to see someone, be with someone. This is the first time I don’t feel stressed or anxious about dating someone and what they might think about me. It’s sorta scary cause I keep thinking, what if it goes away, or turns out like the past times or whatever… and I just tell myself, ‘stop and just let it go - things will go the way they should and just take it slow’ and then phew, I feel alittle better.
Damn this entry is long - well not updating in awhile would be the reason for that J hehe.
That’s all for now, I think.