Dec 31, 2006 17:30
So it's New Year's Eve. No, I don't have anything planned. As you've probably figured out by now I don't have the most active social life at the best of times, and NYE just seems like a good excuse not to do anything special. Everywhere's packed, costs too much and the worst thing is the huge weight of expectation that you've got to have the bestest time ever ever!!!11!!ELEVEN!!!1! which just means you're even more deflated if things aren't all that much fun. So I just figure a quiet evening at home is usually quite good (although I'll have to put a DVD on - the telly's crap!)
Anyway, I suppose I should do one of those posts looking back on the year...
It's not been a great year, but it could have been a lot worse. At least I haven't had as bad a year as some people, like my friend who lost her mum and nearly lost her dad as well.
Some bad things that happened in 2006
- In January I was attacked in the street. I wasn't actually mugged (they didn't take anything) or, strictly speaking, Happy-Slapped (they didn't take a photo or video) it was just two blokes walking either side of me, punching me in both sides of the head at the same time.
- In the summer the website I used to run for Al crashed, and since then has been a low-key, free forum which gets less and less visitors. My intention has always been to set up a big new site for the band when they're ready to launch, but I get so little info about goings-on that it makes me despair. I've asked Al to decide if he still wants us to be involved with running his official site, and I hope he does because I still think he makes good music, but if he does we need some information at least to build the site around, as we can't create enthusiasm out of thin air.
- The situation at work got pretty stressful, and I had a couple of minor freakouts about it.
- For the most part I still had trouble getting together any kind of social life, which on occasion has got me a bit down as I see time going past and me dooming myself to be alone, when I know I could do more about it.
- I put back on a lot of the weight I lost.
- The whole world continued to go to shit.
- I thought I was the Antichrist for a while.
Some good things that happened in 2006
- I started this blog in February, for the entertainment and amusement of roughly three people. I think it's been quite good for me getting things off my chest and finding ways to word how I'm feeling.
- I actually got round to going for a drink with Sean. Which sounds obvious but despite it not being that difficult to sort something out we can go years without seeing each other. Just the once mind - what do you think Sean, should we aim for a record-breaking "two pub trips in a year" for 2007?
- Although very tired in her new job, my sister enjoyed her time in Japan a lot more than her previous job in Thailand.
- I went to see some excellent theatre, and some pretty good theatre. And also Footloose.
- Overall, I lost more weight than I put on.
- I actually made a new friend, and have tried to get myself into a frame of mind where I can make more in the upcoming months.
- The Antichrist thing turned out to be a case of mistaken identity, although I did develop a totally useless superpower involving fax machines.
Some other things that happened in 2006
- I went to Greece. Meh, I survived.
So, could have been better, could have been worse.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to anyone reading this blog!
(You can't tell I only recently figured out font colours, can you?)