Feb 13, 2006 22:50
Theoretically I'm watching Prison Break but clearly I'm not 'cause here I am posting on a blog for three people to see. I wanted to give the show a chance, honestly, it came over here with a lot of hype from the US, good reviews of the "leave your brain at the door and you'll enjoy it" variety and, as my sister pointed out today it stars Wentworth Miller whose prettiness is borderline hypnotic. (Although I may remember him from such Buffy episodes as "Go Fish." He took off his shirt which was nice, and then took off his skin which was less so.)
But evidently I'm having trouble leaving my brain at the door. Right at the start I was thinking "People spend decades on Death Row, not days, plus that timeline doesn't fit with the amount of time it would take to set up that plan and get those tattoos etc." Then I told myself to stop overanalysing things and remember it's just a bit of fluff. But then it was "Why would you constantly jeopardize your master-plan by acting like a dick and making enemies of everyone in the prison?" and again I had to tell myself it was fluff. But there were just too many instances. You can do so much in the name of dramatic license before it just becomes cheating. I feel like Kathy Bates in Misery and if I keep watching I may end up flying over to LA and taking a hammer to the legs of the dirty birdies on the writing staff. Which probably wouldn't work out well for any of us. So I suspect that next week Prison Break will be down one viewer.
Oh and is Ben Affleck seriously low on funds or what? I mean it's a funny Lynx advert but still, it's a Lynx advert for fuck's sake...