Please note, that subject line is ironic.
Hi, friends. It's been nine months. No, I have not had a baby. I don't want one, but things have happened in the meantime.
Let's see, my Mom had a stroke and is recovering, I saw the Scorpions in concert, did two super-shows (one of which failed), am now in a long distance relationship with
innocent_youth (Who saw that one coming?) and had an experience today which prompted this entry.
We've all had them, mobility instructors. But I'm coming to find that in a high populus place such as a college, mobility instructors are becoming unnecessary, as evidenced by someone today. Getting on the elevator, I ran into a lady who is a first year professor who has already gotten lost multiple times, so she used a map to figure out the most efficient ways to get from one place to another. I asked her to show me the way from Thompson Hall to Gleeson Hall, which has given me nothing but trouble. In a true mobility instructor fascion, she lead me out the main door, to the building sign, and told me to simply...go straight. No tricks, no nothing. She claims to have worked for IBM for 25 years and got out intending to teach. Mam, I think your calling would've been mobility instruction, you are that good, though you'll never read this.
Have a good day.