Bright Light, Big City by nicis_anatomy
Prompt: 214: Crossover (with "Grey’s Anatomy") for
dw100Rating: PG
Spoiler: none after "The Christmas Invasion"
Words count: 100
Disclaimer: Nothing of the Doctor Who and Grey's Anatomy universe belongs to me. I just borrow everything from RDT and Shonda. The only things I own are my "Doctor Who" and "Grey's Anatomy" DVDs, a computer and my dirty mind :)
Comment: Not beta’d. You can keep any mistakes you find or throw them at me. I will correct them immediately :)
She can’t see anything when she first opens her eyes. There is only light - bright white light. Then there is a face, a smile - a bright smile.
"Hello, I’m Derek Shepherd, your Doctor." Oh, this voice… she loves it from the start; a voice that weakens her knees and makes funny things with her stomach. Suddenly, she’s glad she’s lying in a bed. A small one surrounded by all kind of machines and blinking lights.
That’s when she finally remembers. She’s in a hospital, because of…
No, important things first …
She clears her throat. Twice.
"Harriet Jones, Former Prime Minister."
- The End -