Trust me by nicis_anatomy
Characters/Pairing: Rose, Ten
Rating: PG
Spoiler: none
Words count: 150
Disclaimer: Nothing of the Doctor Who universe belongs to me. I just borrow everything from RDT and BBC. The only things I own are my "Doctor Who" DVDs, a computer and my dirty mind :)
Comment: I’m not a native speaker and still learning the language (speaking and reading is so much easier than writing :/), so please be patient. If there are any mistakes in it, please tell me. Also if you like/dislike it, I’d love to know.
Just a little Drabble/Prompt I just wrote for
“Doctor? Are you alright?” Rose asked sceptical, watching the Doctor wrenching his body anxiously and becoming increasingly nervous.
“Trust me, I know what I’m doing”, murmured the Doctor without looking up from the spot between her legs. “Give me just a little more … yeah that’s … Oi. That’s better, isn’t it?” Eventually, he looked up, beaming brightly at her.
Rose couldn’t agree more, since the pleasure was finally settling in. Her body relaxed, while she took a deep breath. She smiled at the Doctor. “How could I’ve ever doubted your abilities?” she asked, sighing deeply. “You’re a genius!”
“Oh, C’mon, Rose,” he replied half-hearted; although he was still looking like a cat that's just swallowed a mouse, obviously satisfied with what he’d just managed to do. Seeing Rose perfectly happy was all he needed as a reward. “It was only your shirt stuck in the zipper. No big deal.”
- The End -