[Oneshot] All she needs, all she can ask for

Aug 07, 2010 23:22

Title: All she needs, all she can ask for
Fandom: Crossing Jordan
Author: nicis_anatomy
Character: Annie Capra (with a brief appearance of Garret and Jordan)
Genre: Gen, Angst, episode tag for 3.05 "Missing Pieces"
Rating: PG
Word count: 500
Summary: The Mary Strand case caused some mixed feeling and Annie can't really enjoy her success. Until one phone call changes everything … Written for prompt #095 "People" at 100_tales
Spoilers/Warnings: English isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would, I'd be rich and famous by now.


Annie was exhausted like never before in her life - or at least as far as she could remember.
The last case was the most challenging and most emotional case she'd ever worked. She had worked tough cases before and many of them had been emotional; especially the ones that involved children, but none of these could be compared to the Mary Strand case.
Mary was still a child, but that wasn't what had made this case to extremely emotional, why she was so exhausted - and yet restless.
An innocent man had died because the police had made a mistake. These things happened and it wasn't even her fault. But standing in the interrogation room, being accused of killing an innocent man, killing a hero was hard. She felt she needed to apologize (and she did) although she knew it wouldn't change what had happened. Reeves was dead and it wasn't even her fault. She got involved only after his death. There was no way she should feel guilty.
But she did. Because that's who she was - always involved, always trying to fix things, make them right or please others. Annie knew that these things weren't really helping her in her daily work. Sometimes they were helpful and kept her moving on; but too often they were standing in her way, pushing her, forcing her to move forward even when she was already too exhausted to stand up.
Like tonight.

Slowly, Annie left the precinct, not sure if she really wanted to drive home. She felt miserable, restless and disappointed.
As much as she loved being a detective … it was at moment like this that she hated her job. Why was it that all people seemed to notice, were the things others did wrong? Why did mistakes count more than a life they saved today? Mary Strand was safe. She was alive and back with her parents. Yes, a man had died, but the one responsible was sitting in jail, waiting for his trial. Why wasn't this worth anything?
Annie sighed, realizing once again that life could be a real bitch, when her telephone rang. Hoping it wasn't another case she was assigned to, Annie answered the call.
"He, Annie … Garret here. Jordan and I … we were just talking about our crazy days and drinking beer, and we're wondering if you'd like to join us. If you haven't anything better to do ..."
Annie's heart skipped a beat and she smiled, suddenly feeling much better. Life was still miserable (and it would always be that way), but it became bearable the second Garret reminded her of what she had. She had friends, people she could talk to; people who understood … How could it be all miserable, when you were that lucky?
"I'll be there in a few minutes," she promised and Garret's "Perfect" made her smile even more.
He was right. It was perfect - as perfect as it could be under these circumstances. But that was all they could ever ask for ...

- The End -

crossing jordan: garret macy, crossing jordan: annie capra, community: 100_tales, fandom: crossing jordan, fanart: fanfiction

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