[Prompt table] 100 Tales - various fandoms

Jul 01, 2010 12:00

Okay, I reached my goal by finishing the 20 Lost drabble in June. Now it's time to start something new (until my muse decides it is time to finish the 6 remaining stories of my other prompt table).
This time, it will be a long-term project: 100 stories (minimum 100 words each) for any fandom/character/pairing I can come up with. Sounds epic, I know, but I want to finish it by the end of the year. Keep your fingers crossed that it'll work.
Here is my table for 100_tales

( Follow the fake cute)

fandom: ncis, fandom: lost, community: 100_tales, fandom: crossing jordan, fandom: the west wing, fanart: prompt table

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