[Drabble| Nothing is irreversible

Jun 26, 2010 22:47

Title: Nothing is irreversible
Fandom: Lost
Author: nicis_anatomy
Character: Jack Shephard
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Jack is sure, he is cursed. But is he? Written for prompt #17 "Spell" at drabble123
Spoilers/Warnings: English isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for season 6.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would, I'd be rich and famous by now.


For some time now, Jack was sure someone had cast a spell over him, cursing him for life.
Whatever he did was wrong (or not good enough to get his father's approval).
He wanted to help people, but it seemed he only did more harm.
Returning to the island had sounded like a good (the best) idea, by the time, but now he wasn't so sure anymore.
He must be cursed.
Or maybe Kate's right (nothing is irreversible) and one day everything would make sense.
Jack just hoped he'd still be alive then (but it weren't high hopes at all).

- The End -

fandom: lost, lost: jack shephard, fanart: drabble, community: drabble123

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