[Drabble] You can't go back again

May 13, 2010 21:12

Title: You can't go back again
Author: nicis_anatomy
Character: Kate Austen, Jack Shepard
Genre: Het, Angst, episode tag for 2.11 "The Hunting Party"
Rating: G
Word count: 108
Summary: Kate wishes for nothing more than to go back in time to make a wrong right Written for prompt #33 "Before" at lost_in_108
Spoilers/Warnings: English isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would, I'd be rich and famous by now.


She'd known this kiss would change everything. Her feelings had been turned upside down ever since she first met him, but after they kissed everything changed again.
She was embarrassed (although the kiss was everything she'd always imagined it would be). She hated herself for letting him caught her off guard, still shaken up with bad memories (though, secretly, she'd wished it would be him finding her).
It had felt so right, then.
Now, she wished to be able to go back; to before, when he could still look her in the eyes, instead of pushing her away and avoiding her - like she had done after the kiss.

- The End -

lost: jack_kate, fandom: lost, lost: kate austen, fanart: drabble, community: lost_in_108

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