Successful Opening

May 28, 2013 15:37

FAST 6 pulls in $120 million during the Memorial Day weekend triumphing over “Hangover III” film, leaving it in the dust.

I don’t think I can articulate why this franchise is successful.  The continuity between all of the films is great.  My children and I discuss all the time how certain characters like Han will play out when ultimately they reach the universe of Tokyo Drift.  I love the friendship, love, loyalty and strong sense of family between the characters but especially with the core group.  So the Hobbs (Rock,) you need to step back, can’t have you taking Brian’s place.  IMHO, if they ever left out Paul Walker as Brian, they can kiss the franchise goodbye.

Check out this MTV interview with Paul, Jordanna, Vin, and Michelle.  It’s fun and hilarious.  The interviewer digs up footage of the first movie and the first interviews that are 13 years old.  What Vin does to Michelle about reprising her role as Letty, well, let just say it’s a good thing they’re friends.  LOL

MTV Interview

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fast 6, memorial day 2013

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