Feb 08, 2008 11:51
this tummy is getting ..annoying. i'm so used to my body being a certain way and when it even feels like it might get outta line i fix it and there's no fixing this. the inevitable realities of pregnancy. and not only that, i sleep on my tummy or on my right side.. not anymore. i'm supposed to be layin on my left tho my body is adjusting to that, and i can get somewhat comfy on my back but apparently i'm not supposed to do that either. gah. the kid moves around, you can feel it at times, it's ..interesting to say the least. i'm not looking forward to the punching or kicking.. or elbowing or head butting or whatever this kid i'm sure will do, but we've had a talk about assimilating while mommy is doing things or talking or working on business stuff ..hopefully mini chaos will oblige. my ribs have been through a lot so i'm not worried about those being beaten but swift hits to mama's once pretty tummy ..is not going to be cool.
brandon is on his never cease to amaze me kick recently. i don't know what it is with that boy and i but it's wierd. we can understand oneanother on a level people aren't supposed to reach and that's because we're the exact same way with those things. it's kinda freakin me out a bit cuz they can be as simple as calling oneanother or as complex as the way we can connect with someone. strange strange strange coincidences i tell you.
i'm starting to get back out to shows after the past 4 months of not having been to a single one, i can't tell you what a version of hell that's been. but hellyeah is out here tonight and inocula is on sunday and all that remains is next week and that stupid rap shit show is next week. my brothers are remarkably lucky that i love them so and support their ways of life. i love kru very very very much, he's an amazing person but damn his juggalo tastes. that's ok tho, cuz i'm going to have phoenix, gryph, sbob, kru, angel, katy, pegs and i all together so no matter how bored i get or how bad the headache is, i'll have entertainment. ..real names aaron, michael, chris, nick, kimmy, katy, margaret and i.
boyfriend stuff, let's see. nothing there to really talk about. feels like i haven't talked to him in forever, haven't seen him in like 2 eternities, yet totally dreamt about him last night, just don't ask what happened cuz i honestly can't remember what happened, i just remember waking up expecting to see him still then that sense of disappointment at reality. i also dreamt that mini chaos was a girl. scared me like no other. it'd be like lisa's dream coming true and that was like ..over a year ago. and now that parts of it are becoming reality i'm wondering if she has a bit of natural intuition as i do. she's now getting married ..has a baby girl.. just like her dream. it was her wedding, she had a little girl but so did i.. OI.
i have no girl names picked out. i can't settle on anything cuz all the girl names blow or are just eww.. or they're too common. so i dunno. anywho. lots to do. as usual. and gotta start planning this whole trip back home, with when and what i'm gonna do about everything here.. lots to consider.