
Jun 18, 2003 23:48

I had today off so my buddy Lari and I weeded through a bunch of books on NYS law and then the Codes, Rules, and Regulations binders. It's official. We're going into business together. We still have to root through our own financials and plan for necessary start-up capital.

But, today's progress was, yet again, abandoned for absurd jubilation.

Last night my friend Joey finally got laid. My prognosis that pussy would cure him of his eye-rolling social idiosyncrasies has been validated. I am very happy for him.

So while my laundry was tumbling, I ran out to Price Chopper and got him a cake. I stuck a big, pink number 1 candle at the top, and under it I spelled out in decorative gel, "Joey's 1st Fuck". Still feeling the cake was too bare, I went to Home Depot. "Where may I find the biggest nut you have? Thank you! And the biggest bolt that fits it?" I recounted the tale of my friend's first time for the attendant and she was very eager to assist the endeavor. And then I stuck a couple Durex condoms amid the frosting flowers.

It was a work of art. Joey loved it. Lari took a bunch of pictures, which I will eventually post.

Joey's girlfriend met us, because she wanted to see the cake before it was cut. She was clearly mortified, so I had to gel her name on the cake and encourage her to play along. I even got her to agree to take photos holding the oversized nut, while Joey screwed in the bolt in order to make a steamy animated gif.

The reason I am telling this story is not to remind you about how funny or creative I am, nor to express to what lengths I will go for a friend...

...but to affirm that I have intruded into their lasting memories during a most special time, and as they grow old and their history together blurs with the passage of time, they are forever cursed to remember me and my cake.
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