My rant on IWU

Nov 12, 2004 23:06

I am tired of IWU.
I am tired of the university's endless plans to expand.
I am tired of the numerous, unnecessary references to John Wesley on campus.
I am tired of feeling like an outcast due to my commuter status.
I am tired of professors who do not take the time to learn their students' names.
I am tired of the often cheesy worship and boring messages that are part of chapel each week.
I am tired of hearing about being a "world changer."
I am tired of all the new dorms being built.
I am tired of feeling of making $5.85 an hour when the school appears to have more money than they know what to do with.
I am tired of sitting in classrooms built for thirty students that hold twice that number.
I am tired of the strictness of student development.
I am tired of the "I'm better than you because I'm wearing this suit" attitude that seems to prevail at the APS building.
I am tired of the school's efforts to attract primarily students who attend Wesleyan churches (yeah, I know it's Indiana WESLEYAN, but I don't think denomination should be an issue in who they accept).
I am tired of all the acronyms that exist on campus.
I am tired of the same "act" the university puts on during visit days (electric guitars and an upbeat individual giving the message in chapel and spicy chicken sandwiches at Baldwin).
I am tired of having to go to the department chairperson just to get into gen ed classes because they fill up quickly.
I am tired of the university basking in its prestige of being one of the fastest growing Christian colleges in the nation.
I am tired of a president who never shows his face to the student body.
I am tired of the lack of undeveloped areas to admire for their natural beauty.

Did I mention that I am tired of IWU?
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