(no subject)

Mar 11, 2019 15:02

on monday i accidentally made an awesome fucking soup. i bought some enormous leeks, so enormous that they kept falling out of my handbag (yes i carry leeks in my handbag, what of it) onto the ground when i was walking into town. however, despite being gargantuan they were so flavoursome that when i ate the first mouthful i actually had to congratulate myself out loud for my achievements in the realms of soup cookery. 'oh, well DONE alice. that IS good'. i didnt even use marigold bouillon either, i used some variety of cube. im beginning to question my devotion to marigold. maybe ive just been suckered by delia. maybe there really are readymade stocks that can compete. im quite thrown, to be honest: its like growing up a christian and then accidentally watching fifteen minutes of a programme by richard dorkins. (do you see what i did there? DORKins. dick DORKins, thats what i call him. im pretty much your dictionary definition of an agnostic but that man makes me want to go and get my ass all baptised and shit. he is a total bumwizard).

this might not sound like much to you- i bet you cook impressive soups at the drop of a hat. i haven't cooked a meal from scratch since last year, possibly, and certainly not a hearty and warming soup. it was a real moment for me.

other good shit: after nine weeks on the waiting list i am very nearly in receipt of the first series of the wire. i cheated last weekend and borrowed the first three episodes from 20th centure flicks, and anticipate some major life- stealage on the horizon. WOOOT!
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