Stark Legacy 1.5

Aug 04, 2013 21:54

Omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg, the new doctor has been leaked! I am dying all over the place. I'm actually pretty excited to see how he'll do, but my heart will break into a billion pieces when Matt Smith is gone QQ

Anyways.... Well!! I've had my first weekend off work since forever, and I've spent it very productively by playing hours upon hours of sims ^^

Vincent: *evil cackle* Welcome back you poor mortals!

You ain't fooling anyone angel kid.

Out on the porch this old lady had kept the cats awake up all night. Poor little Lewis even had an accident and Moe was near passing out form exhaustion.

The Starks ladies weren't going to take that kind of crap.

Tracie: My poor baby!

Almas: You're now my nemesis, lady. You better watch your back, because I will be around watching your every move.

Lady: You don't scare me, you skinny little twerp!

Tracie: I raised her well, didn't I Moe.

Moe: My kittens are better, but yes by human stardards she's pretty good.

Apparently the nemesis thing didn't last too long as they had a rather nice conversation afterwards about modern day sim economics.

Vincent: It wasn't very nice of you to yell at that old lady.

Almas: Weren't you supposed to be the evil one?

Tracie: Cats are so much better than other people.

Tracie: Yes you are, yeees you aaare~

Tracie's friends are: her husband, Almas, and the cats. That's it.

Tracie was going stir crazy, so she decided for a nice day at the beach, just her and Rajan.

Rajan: Dumdidum~

Rajan: I'm sure no one noticed that.

Tracie: These hot dogs have a sort of... interesting gritty texture. Don't you agree?

Rajan: *shoves face full of food*

Tracie caught up on some reading while Rajan practiced his scuba diving.

Turned out Almas' nemesis is a mermaid.


Meanwhile, back at home.

Television: A raging virus, much like rabies, has been infecting sims all over Riverview. The military has issued and order of full quarantine-

Almas: What am I even watching?

Suddenly this girl came walking in, I had no idea that she'd followed Almas home from school.

Almas: Who're you?

Neither had Almas apparently.

Vincent: Oh man, I am completely beat out. I need a cup of coffee.

Vincent: ... omg....

(I gave her, Lee Collins btw, a quick make over to see what she was made of. Cute girl)

Lee: This homework is so hard. Like, do the teachers even know that we need to have, like a life?

Vincent: ...

Lee: Hahaha, I bet the teachers don't even have a life themselves anyways!

Vincent: ....

Vincent: Yeah... yeah, school totally sucks man.

Lee: Aaarg, tell me about it!

Vincent: Don't you dare mess this up for me.

Vincent: You hear?

Yeah, yeah ._.

Lee: And I was telling her, I was all, "you can't be that bitchy to poor Cindy, she's ugly sure, but that just makes everything harder, y'know?" And Alex was all-

Vincent: ...

Moe: Playing in the toilet is Moe's favourite thing to do as well. Why is your butt making sounds, human?

Almas: You know you wouldn't be this tired if you had gone to bed instead of spent the entire night chatting with Lee.

Vincent: Zzzzz

(I also just noticed that Almas' shirt is matching her walls, lol)

Firday night at the Starks.

Almas: You're so losing, loser!

Vincent :(

Saturday, and Lee agreed to come over and visit.

Vincent: I think my jaw is dislocated. What a lady.

Vincent: Do you want to go steady with me? And do you want to go to prom with me?

Lee: Yes, yes to everything.

Lee: The sound of you losing is like music to my ears.

Vincent: I am used to losing.

Lee: Hi there kitty, aren't you a pretty diva?

I was actually really surprised at this. Eleanor doesn't like any sim, and has never sat on anyone's lap before (its impossible to give her fleabaths)

Vincent slept in a tent that night so Lee could sleep in his bed.

Vincent: If she wakes up and finds me here I can just say I'm doing my homework, and not creepily stalking her at all.

Lee: Don't look up my nightgown as I climb down, creeps.

Vincent: I'm not looking.

Tracie: Hahahaha, you slept in my son's bed all night.

Tracie: And your nightgown is really ugly too!

You're such a gentle, and fine-feeling woman Tracie.

Vincent: Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee

Not creepy or stalkerish at all there Vincent.

Prom night!

Lee had an interesting choice of formal wear for the night. Break with the conventional!

Vincent and Lee had a fantastic night, and Vincent was even elected prom king. Almas on the other had got rejected for a dance, ended up in a fight and got dumped by her crush...

She relieved some of the stress by egging some random, poor person's house.

Almas: Oh ffff, the egg broke in my hand.

Lee: Like, how many kids would you want?

Vincent: Hmmm, I think four. Two girls and two boys!

Lee: Wanna hear a secret?

Vincent: Sure.

Lee: I love you.

And Almas is being forever alone down in the park.


Early morning dip in the ocean.

Tracie: That was the best movie ever!

Rajan: My back... is not as young anymore.

It is Leasure Day, and I hadn't had time to give Almas a proper bathing suit, and this is apparently her go at it.

Almas: I burn easily.

Being Vincent's party he decided he wanted to treat the guests with stoneoven baked pizza.

Vincent: Oh yes, I am a total pro at this. Get in a line ladies, I am taken.

Tracie: Kids these days, no respect for the people around them!

Enrico: No respect indeed!

But then!

Moe: What?

Maid: How can you be so cruel?

DEATH: Cruel, moi?

DEATH: What a cute little kitty, yes you aaare~

DEATH: Actually, I have followed you for some time, and I have a job offer for you in the Beyond.

Moe: Interesting. Tell me more.

DEATH: Take this mouse, and then we'll talk.

And then Moe jumped into the light...

At which time Tracie found it convinient to... pop. Yes.... she's actually expecting. Mind blown.

Eleanor was completely heartbroken. I didn't even know cats could mourn their mates. Way to sneak in onion cutting ninjas Maxis.

Vincent: I've known him since I was born, and now he's gone. Just like that.

Lee: Oh sweetie, he'll be cat king on some cloud, I bet.

Aw Tracie, don't make that face.

Moe, you were a fab cat!


I found several snakes and lizards in Tracie's backpack. Probably gifts from the cats.

Tracie: Off you go little fellow, live and be free.

Tracie: This time, this time we will be prepared for the baby, and we'll be proper parents.

Rajan: We?

Lewis has gotten a new hobby: Watching tv.

Now Tracie, please promise me there is only one baby in that gigantic tummy of yours.

Tracie: I promise nothing!

Well! I think I have decided what world I want to move the Starks to, but they won't move for some time yet. Btw, to those who have moved families between worlds: What happens with their jobs? Do they lose all progression?

Thanks for reading! :D :D :D <3

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