Stark Legacy 1.4

Aug 02, 2013 20:48

I guess we'll kick off this chapter with Rajan having an impromptu birthday. I should start doing more out of this, like giving them a proper makeover and such. The age transition seem so eventless.

Not long after Tracie had a birthday as well, though chose such a craptastic hair I had to do something about it.

But big changes were coming for the Starks, and they celebrated this with a hot-dog party.

Rajan's first midlife crisis wish was to move house. And I figured, hey poor guy, if anyone deserves a wish come true it is Rajan and thus the Stark's scraped together enough to move!

The house isn't all that exciting from the outside. But I chose a cosy little nook on one of the outskirt islands.

Vincent's room. I gave him an alchemy station as I figured some evil plotting could be done there.

Almas' room. Perhaps a bit too sunny for her personality but...

Tracie's and Rajan's bedroom. Entrance to own bathroom and a privat part of the deck.


And the porch. Yes, I went a bit berserk with the lights.

Moe had had a want to snuggle with his kittens for a long time, and finally there was enough place to grant it for him. <3

Lewis: Hey guy, better beat it or I'll rip off your leg!

Guy: Woah there, oh man oh man, this kitten is dangerous!

Lewis: Damn straight, no one gets past me.

Moe: What are you doing human? No drowning of the Moebrbrbr!

I wouldn't trust Tracie to bathe me either.

Tracie: Honey, do you find me less attractive now that I got wrinkles?

Rajan: Of course not bun, it's your psychopathic tendencies that has me slightly turned off.

Tracie: What was that?

Rajan: Love you~

Lola: You think we can make the climb?

Lewis: I dunno sis, looks pretty steep to me.

Kittens <3

Being a loner Almas is pretty self-suficient in finding things to do on her own. Mostly she's tucked away in her room.

Vincent just gets himself blown up, by the most part.

Rajan: Awwww, I burnt the food again...

Tracie: Don't worry honey, I figured you might of so I starting prepping another meal in the meantime.

Rajan: Thanks...

I reinstalled Supernatural again and everyone suddenly rolled the want for honey, so I bought them some beehives. Figured Tracie could have beekeeping as a hobby.

Tracie: Who are good little beesies, yes who are- oh shi-!


Or not.

vincent: Evil cackle.

I took this screenshot to show the siblings next to each other, but I kept it becaus of photobombing Eleanor.

Tracie's lifetime wish is to max painting, sculpting and inventing, but she isn't even half way into painting >_>

I'm sort of glad birthdays doesn't work like this in real life o.O

Anyways! Lewis and Lola grew into adults.

They both look pretty alike Eleanor, so I colourcoded them. Lewis is the one with the greencollar and Lola is the one with the pink.

So. many. cats!

Rajan has been given the dubious honour of upgrading all bathrooms and appliances to selfcleaning.

Rajan: How hitting the porcelain toilet with a hammer is going to make it selfcleaning beats me.

What's with the charming, angelic looks Vincent? Weren't you supposd to be the evil kid.

Almas: I just hacked into Pentagon again. Do you think I should mail them and tell them that their security is pretty bad?

Vincent: Nah.

All of the Starks had a day off at the same time, so I decided to send them into town.

Lady: Excus me, uhm, excus me? Could you please not anchor on top of me? It is rather painful.

For some reason the natives had decided to greet them with a welcoming ceremony of some fashion.

Almas: The look pretty hungry...

Tracie: I can't believe it! They just drove off without us, and that in the rain and everything!

Almas: The nerves of them!

I wouldn't want to be the boys later... >_>

Family photo time!

Tracie: Hey scoot over kids, mommy is hungry.

It got dark after that, and rainy and miserable, so they just went home.

Tracie atempted her first chat with her son since he was a toddler.

Tracie: So... How're you doing now and such?

Vincent: Well, pretty darn tired for one.

Rajan: Heey, two of my favourite people conversing. Keep it going.

Tracie/Vincent: *awkward shuffling*

Rajan and Almas had a day together and they went windsurfing and skipped rocks while contemplating the deeper meaning of life.

(I really love this expansion even if it lags my game like woah)

The family photo!

Birthday time for Vincent!

He rolled slob. Heavy sleeper, easily impressed, evil and a slob! And I absolutely adore his nose.

There were fireworks for the occasion, and lots of it!

Random mermaid: Real fireworks. Best. party. ever!

Vincent: A real fire! Freaking best. party. ever!

What to do when your family is wearing you out? You take a relaxing trip in your rowboat according to Rajan.

Tracie wanted a make over after having fussed with her wrinkles in the mirror for some time, so she got one.

Vincent: It wasn't me.

Rajan: Did you just bust the expensive new computer and then tried to sneak away as if nothing happened?

Vincent: Chill dad...

Rajan: Don't tell me to chill! I am not some mr. fix it all, here to mop up after the lot of you!

I think Rajan's midlife crisis is really wearing on him. Heh.

Since Almas is a loner it was decided that her birthday was to be celebrated quietly with just the family.



Almas: You guys are so embarrassing...

And of course she turned out stunning.

Rolle Disciplined. So... Grumpy, genius, loner and disciplined. Alrighty!

Almas: Heck yeah, I now have several years ahead of me with insecurity, growing pains, and weird things happening to my body and personality that I can't cope with! Woooh for teenageyears!

Rajan: *sniffles* My little baby girl grew up so beautiful.

Tracie: Damn, she'll probably steal all my good make up and hog the bathroom for an hour each morning now.

And that's that for now! I haven't gotten to play much this week as work has been driving me crazy, but this weekend I actually get two days off, so yay!
I'm also contemplating moving the Starks to a different neighbourhood. I absolutely love Isla Paradiso, its such a lovely town, but it laaaags soooo baaaaaaaaaaad. It makes me sad >: What is everyone's favourite neighbourhood? Maxis or custom ^^

ts3, stark legacy, gen; 1, gen; 2

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