To all things non-general

Jan 13, 2007 09:30

Seems to me it's been awhile since I've posted some nonsensical blabbering piece of ranty goodness on good ole lj. I guess I've only been updating enough to post general blurbs, since I never tell anyone what the hell is going on with me and I figure I'll get yelled at if I don't at least give an outline. At any rate, today I would like to focus on something more specific, something silly, namely the topic of the hump bunny.

The hump bunny's real name is Dobby, for those of you who may have forgotten, or who never knew his name since you always called him affectionetly the hump bunny, or of course for those of you who have never had the pleasure of having your arm ripped open by his claws and nibbled on as he tried to mount you. Mister Dobby is now nearing the big 4 mark and has not calmed his studdly ways. I have introduced him to a plethora of creatures and it seems that any is as good as the next, serving only one purpose, to be humped. The cat that is afraid of other animals fled the room, the other bunny shirked in disbelief, the dogs lick their lips and enjoyed that their appetizer liked a little foreplay, and the hamster tried to eat his poo as he chased him around the cage.

While humping is his activity of choice, he also enjoys a rousing round of smoosh bunny or poke the bunny, but never, NEVER instigate a game of smoosh bunny or poke the bunny when he is lounging and snacking on his yogurt drops. You have been warned.

When he does 180's in the air and makes a certain grunting noise, you know the mood has struck. All I can say girls is keep your hands and arms inside the vehicles at all times, if you don't want "Dobby aggression" leaking all over your arm.

You know you miss it Lara.

The end.

animals, dobby

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