Update on all things me

Aug 18, 2006 20:40

Yet again it's been forever since I've really done an update, because of course my post about my hot new phone doesn't count. Oh the plethora of excitement in my life these days.

1. I got a third degree burn on my arm rescuing a lost dog. Here's the story. This woodsman pulls up in his truck, he apparently is usually a nice guy and knows we have dogs. He comes to the door and says he thinks he has one of our dogs and he found her in the woods, that she's sweet and is well trained, can sit and shake. Okay, first none of our dogs can shake, but I decide to go see her anyway 'cause I love all dogs. She pops her head out of the window and is the cutest little husky/shepherd mix. I say she's not ours and he's all like I don't know what to do with her. I suggest the SPCA. He says he doesn't have time for that so he's just going to drop her back in the forest. Um what? You lazy fuck. I offer to take her because does he know the likelihood of anyone finding her again in the woods with wolves and coyotes living across the street from my house? He opens the door to his big dump truck and tries to call her out. Um, dude, it's like 6 feet off the ground, she's not going to just jump out. I reach up and grab her collar with both hands to pull her out, when I rest my arm on the door of the truck and feel a sting. Careful he says, it's hot. Ya think? I just boiled my flesh, do you really think it's hot? Is it just me or was anybody else unaware that the muffler on big trucks can run up along the passenger side door and out over the roof and doesn't have a guard over it? A warning might have been nice. I can't say I was fully impressed with him during this meeting. Then he stood there talking at me while I held my arm and gave him dirty looks. The SPCA wasn't open on Sunday so "Burn"ie stayed the night with me. I dropped her off the next day, but nobody has picked her up yet. :( We live on the intersection of 4 counties and I called the other SPCAs to let them know where she was, but nothing. I can't see why anyone would drop her off, I fell in love with her instantly. If only we could handle one more dog. The burn is almost healed; the blistering, sloughing of skin, intense burning, and itching were a lot of fun though. Gotta love the new scar. It looks really hot in a short sleeve shirt, dumb fuck. UPDATE: Someone either claimed her or adopted her. Yay for good puppies!

2. Work. ugh! Let's just sum that up with a few words: crying, hating, dreading, angry.

3. I've been meeting with my little every Monday and I got her to open up a little more this week about the tough stuff she's dealing with, so that was a good new breakthrough. She even gave me a hug when I dropped her off after we went on a picnic and swimming. She's been getting me to do things I would never do on my own. That was partly the purpose of this specific opportunity, so I'm glad it's pushing my boundaries a little and helping me grow.

4. It's Clinique Bonus Days for any of you girly girls out there who love free goodies. I don't think many of the people that read this are girly girls, except maybe Sarah, but I had to send this giddiness out into the cosmic void.

5. My best friend is getting married in a few weeks. I've ordered some outfits and am trying to decide exactly what I should where. I'm excited, but also nervous since I'll be seeing a lot of people I haven't seen since high school.

6. I'm a sentimental dork and we just had our two point five year anniversary. :-p Some fling huh?

7. I want to get my next tattoo really soon. I know what I want, but I can't decide where to get it. It is the celtic tree of life and I would like several tats, each that is from a different culture that is a symbol of how much I truly have. My first is the chinese symbol for blessed.

injury, pictures, friends, big sister, tattoo, my baby, fashion, sciencenter

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