Jul 06, 2010 21:12
Ah, work isn't anywhere near as hellish as last week, nobody is threatening to kill themselves or quit so that's a step up.
So the Greyhound is recouping from her latest escapade where she slipped her leash and bolted. After my last post, we found more abrasions, on the front half of her body, they are on the left side and the ones on the back half are on her right. She must have been contorted like a pretzel. Poor baby. Clipped the worst one up last night and cleaned it out, she's wearing her e-collar for a few days since she loves to lick it. Just another day in the life of a greyhound. Come to think of it, I don't think I mentioned last week's issue. She threw up a small puddle of bile, she's been doing that every week or two since we got her and in this particular puddle, was a small battery, from a watch or other small device. The only thing we can think of since we don't have anything like that is that her former foster dad had a hearing aid. It would explain why she's always had a touchy stomach, she hasn't thrown up since, only time will tell though. If she continues, I think I'll snap a radiograph and make sure nothing else has been sitting in there for six + months.
Sadly my life is so dull that I wrote this long post and two of the main subjects I had already written about. Also sad that I don't remember writing them. Since I seem to be repeating myself, I'm gonna go.
Later days.