Title: Beyond Regrets
Characters: Yesung, Siwon, Hangeng, Heechul, OC
Pairings: Yewon, Siwon/OC, brief!Hanchul
Genre: Angst, implied!smut
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Regrets always awfully hurt.
Disclaimer: I only own the story and the plot. The characters in the fic don't resembling the real characters in their real life.
Finally the invitation came. )
Well, what Siwon did could be callled sexua abuse, even without penetration.. and if he thinks he can do that to Yesung because he loves him: he got a mental sickness. he misunderstood love and lust.
your fic is very rich to analyze! really, i am thinking hard about mental sickness about love. Because some people think what they are feeling is love, in some part of their life it got a different meaning and start to hurt anothers without knowing.
Your Siwon loves God, no? maybe the message he got at church was so strong to love a woman and not love a boy, when he is sexually atracted to man it can twist a mind or make him feel guilty. Maybe Yesung was a person he really admired or loved, but felt guilty to love then turned to lust and all turned wrong in his brain.
And Yesung was a very hard boy, he should have told someone or just talk to Siwon. Yesung would be another case to analyze...
oh, how was your boyfriend? i'm sorry to hear that. but yes, sometimes we could do WONDER when we're stressed. but sometimes unability to do anything also caused by it. so being depressed wasn't always so bad right.
i read it somewhere about our experience could affect our beings. and i agree with you. childhood experience, especially, almost could never be healed :(
but didn't the real inner character of the person could affect their life too, past their experiences? because how could Yesung be such a caring, helpful person while he is lacked of love from others around him? that is one thing i'm so proud about him... it's his inner beauty that shines out of him :)
btw, why i can't reply your comment on my drabbles? it ended up became a reply for another person (1 attempt) and become an independent comment (2nd attempt). I'm sorry bb :(
*what about my ice cream? still wanna?*
yeah, your caracter affects you, the outside word and everything. Almost everything affects how you interact with people and how you see the world around you.
i am proud of Jongwoon too ^__________________^
low fat ice cream? i want
*sorry, its late. i was working at a graduation ceremony... *
*give you flowers*
this job is very fun. today was cool, i dont like medicine and law because they treat like nothing. and today everyone was smiling and doing cute things (today was turism and mathematic at my place)
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