Title: Beautiful
Characters: Siwon, Yesung, Siwon's father
Pairing: Yewon
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I only own the story and the plot. All the characterizations might not be resembling the real life's.
Summary: It's such a mixed feelings of guilt and relieve
But never once I intertwin my fingers with anyone offstage. )
feeling sorry for Siwon for him to never being able to tell Yesung how much he love him and to be with him! hope Yesung would make the first move and see that they are in love together and make Siwon happy and find a way to be out of reach of Siwon's dad and be happy together! ^^
but life not always as easy as we wish for!
thank you for writing it! ^^
thank you for reading & commenting! ^-^/
i'm fine with homosexuals if they're good with me :) i'm in neutral position about them, not supporting and not hating either. i know this is still a sensitive subject and it's hard to talk about our opinion in this matter without getting judged by people right?
so far kpop yaoi/yuri fics are confusing me actually, since most of the writers are asian and we can say that asians are not fully supportive of homosexuality. mangas & fanfics are having a big impact in asian's tolerance rate of homosexuality, don't you think? at least, although people are still not fond of it. but they could accept their (homosexuals) kind of actions on fic/comics to some extent..
ya true seeing how yaoi/yuri fanfic/mangas are increasing today, it makes me wonder how are everyone reacting to that in their country! because most of asian country are really a lot into religion and very conservative about their culture and all!
i agree with you, hope everyone can be happy how they are and with who they love! ^^ without being judge by other ... it's not simple to always hide their true feeling and true self to oders.
i think it's much easier to accept it in fic/manga because it's not real but in real life it's always so difficult and a taboo subject ... we'll see what will happen in the futur with the new generation! ^^
but thank you for your fic once again ^^ and sorry for my comment that bring a sensible subject ...
tbh, after i find Kpop & yaoi fics, my view to LGBT is better now. i'm not homophobic as i used to be, but sadly my surroundings are still like that. i have to still silently reading yaoi or people will find me weird >,> for asians it's still hard to open up about our real self irl..
yes you're right, manga/fics are easier to take because we sometimes consider them not real. i wonder if it makes us kind of hypocrites, though. what happened if oppa really like namja? all hell broke loose right? it's confusing >< i feel like i'm doing wrong things some times because of this feelings. we can not ignore ( ... )
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