Tori's shirt read "I love Kevin Federline"? what the
re: Doctor Who: As irritating as the constant companion-falls-for-Doctor storylines are, I now want fic where Amy seduces Eleven and he starts angsting about how oh no, she's obviously falling for him and ~*~it can never be I'll have to break her heart~*~ and meanwhile Amy's just like "heh sex :9".
O-oh my god Yuko/Yukie is Shotaro's ideal woman. She even wears an identical hat. Hmm, having your Dopant power being forcing people to repeat the previous day is pretty crap. What if you just spent the previous day sitting around watching movies? Unless the movie you were watching was that one from Ring I think you're pretty safe.
Shotaro acting like a cat and then trying to play it off like he's just being an awesomely cool elite detective = *____* marry me. And then Yuko joins in DFKIJJH FORGET ME SHOTARO, YOU SHOULD MARRY HER. Man, he really did fall hard for her, huh. Even when he was still crushing on Wakana he wasn't quite that far gone. It figures she'd turn out to be a Dopant sob sob.
lol Ryu, keeping his (relative) cool with how weird Shotaro was acting until he leaves the room and then freaking: "What was that?!" Give me a Ryu-focus episode please W, I'm suffering withdrawal. ;_____;
Awww Wakana trying to pull Saeko out of the way of Double not once but twice. ♥ Despite all the glaring and sidelong insults she really does love her sister. Speaking of loving sisters, I did not see it coming that Yuko was Kirihiko's sister, man. I thought that was going to be a movie-only character. Does this mean she's sticking around after next episode? :D? :D?
Goseiger where are youuuu