NCIS and some funny stuff

Oct 04, 2009 14:17

Spoiler TV: Shane Brennan interview (spoilers)

Ya know, Brennan needs to learn to quit speaking Mysteriously Vague. He's not very good at it, because it's become obvious it's actually poorly spoken Fake Out Spin. He's also not good at playing on both sides of the fence, which it seems he's trying to do. Again.

One non-spoiler quote of interest, when asked if he's swayed by fan reaction:

I wouldn’t say I’m swayed, but I’m always open to listening to the audience, because they have so much invested in the show that I’d be a fool not to. And what that can do is, it can spark a thought which you may have never had. You may not do what they want, but it may give you an idea to do something you wouldn’t have done. I’m a great believer in having some sort of interface with the audience. Back in the old days you’d get a letter and think “Ooh, I’ve got a letter from a fan! What did she say?” Now, you get 5000 a day, and you’ve got to be careful you don’t just cherry-pick those that support what you want to do. I spend a bit of time trolling everything, trying to get a feeling for [fan opinions]. And it’s not about trying to please everyone, because you can’t, because you crash and burn. But it helps you find stories that may excite people, something a bit different.
I do hope he sticks with no cherry-picking from those that support what he wants to do (a la Boyz at Bridge). You can't please everybody, even when you do what you thought they wanted, but at least listen to all sides if you're going to listen at all. Just keep in mind that playing both sides of the fence doesn't make either side happy either, it just annoys both sides. He doesn't seem to realize that everyone was shipping that slash however they wanted without it being an issue onscreen and it was working just fine. So were dead petty officers instead of ludicrous spy stories.

Sinfest: This reminds me, unfortunately, of a lot of people I know.

Also, this is my cat. Seriously. It even looks like him.

ETA a not so funny stuff. Seriously, this guy should be up for Asshat of the Century Award. Among his many sins, he admits he "wanted that kid to lose sleep that night," after reducing an 11-year old girl to tears after she spoke at a village board meeting in support of the library. Like many libraries, it's had cutbacks, but this guy's been grinding his ax against libraries for years, claiming they're "indulging people in their hobbies" and "their little, personal, private wants."

sinfest, ncis, library

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