I've been thinking about getting a few board games to keep at the library and have a "game night" once a week, maybe more during the summer. I've never been much of a gamer beyond the days of 1980s era arcades and Atari 2600, so I'm kind of lost. I'm also open to card games, but Cards Against Humanity is right out.
Superfight has been suggested as an alternative.
I've watched some episodes of
Tabletop, and Wil Wheaton's comments on Tumblr about games have given me some ideas about what might be popular, Still kind of lost on what to try, though I'm leaning towards some of the relatively older games, such as Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, and Pandemic. Some of the teens may have already played them, but that might be a good thing to have one or two who can teach new players.
I'm looking for beginning level games that don't play for hours on end. Any suggestions?