One year later

Nov 09, 2016 23:50

I'm still here, if a bit scattershot. I'm okay - I had a lot of help, not least from my sweetie who helps me smile and comforts me. And in return I help them and get them to smile when I can. There are rough spots, but we weather through. The one-year anniversary (see previous post) went better than expected, I'll meet with my siblings this weekend in the middle of having a small con, so some friendly faces and positive vibes.

New apartment, living together. New part of town to live in. New habits, though some old ones die hard and make it a bit tough - need to clean up and finish unpacking so we can have an apartment-warming party. Life keeps changing.

Though I'm not happy that I've let most of my social activities slide, and the friendships. Will try to reconnect some.
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