10-Day Meme: Day 3

Feb 11, 2011 08:48

Eight ways to win your heart:

1. Flowers and chocolate.  I'm old-fashioned that way.

2.  "Let's watch some Babylon 5.  Any episode.  You pick."

3. Be domestic.  Dishes, laundry, kitty-wrangling, vacuuming, cooking... any of the chores that I usually do, and without being asked.  Just, you know, do it.

4. Cuddle with me without any expectation that it will escalate or that you will get something in return.

5.  I rarely dress up, so when I do, acknowledge my efforts.  Tell me I'm pretty, open doors for me, take my jacket, etc.  Be a gentleman.  Just because I'm not a girly girl (AT ALL) doesn't mean I don't want to be treated like a lady sometimes.  Think Firefly's Kaylee.  That's me (but with a little less oversensitivity about the things you might say that just come out wrong because you're nervous.)

6. Listen when I talk, don't interrupt and don't dismiss my opinions.  I know I sometimes ramble on and on, but it either means I'm nervous or I have a lot to say on the subject.  Either way, just let me get it out.

7. Plan a surprise getaway even if it just means an evening out where you've made all the arrangements.

8.  CALL ME.  Don't text me or e-mail me or Facebook-note me.  CALL ME.  I find it more romantic, more open and more honest than a message that may or may not be in complete sentences with proper spelling and punctuation that I have no idea how long you spent trying to get JUST RIGHT and that you clearly don't care when I actually get it.  If you call me it means you want to talk to me right now, and that's endlessly endearing.

The rest of the days:

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

In news related to my post yesterday, I was having one of my "I'm almost 30 and I've never done anything wild or crazy or even really wrong and I regret it" moments, and my hubby brought up the fact that Olivia Wilde is getting divorced from her husband because she wants to do those things, and doesn't want anything tying her down, and wants to recapture her youth, etc.  And I guess this made me feel better about my depressing moments, because - sure I'm a little out-of-sorts about the big 3-0, but I know I've got a good thing and a few weeks of craziness (which is really about all I'd have in me, I think) doesn't mean so much to me that I'd give up the person who loves me most in the world just to get it.

Also it was relevant because, um, Olivia Wilde is on both of our Lists and.  I may once have told him that I'd kiss a girl and let him watch, "If that girl is Olivia Wilde."  After I reminded him of that fact, the conversation took a slightly ridiculous turn.

10-day meme

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