Friends, Family, Brothershatchetman4November 1 2004, 03:56:25 UTC
I can see what you mean when you talk about today. Everything isnt what it used to be. I see that todays kids just dont give a fuck, and are worse that we could ever imagine...When our Kids grow, what will they be like? Will the be better, Worse, or just unchanged? Society has brought this upon us, we are "ment" to live the way we do... I'm begining to no longer feel safe, Sure theres more enforcment than ever now. How can you feel safe when ever you need them They are never around?
I think that Being a social Butterfly isnt always the best thing. Sitting back just watching help you learn so much. Helps you learn about Women, People, Life, everything you ever wanna know all you have to do is just sit back and watch.....Sure its not always a good thing, but the time will come for you to break that habit, and you'll know when the time is right. Your the one that knows your self better than anyone else in this world. And its all on choices.....
I See you as a friend, I know your family, But theres only one person I can say I look up to as a big Brother.......and well, You know who that Is......Keep up and Do you, Im always here if you need someone to talk too!
Re: Friends, Family, BrothersnghtchyldNovember 1 2004, 04:06:11 UTC
Thank you for this. I do appreciate it. I agree on everything you have said. I have been the way that I described since I can remember, I just want to be different than that. I don't want to be boring anymore.
Re: Friends, Family, BrothersskruballNovember 1 2004, 07:18:52 UTC
i say keep busy... do the things you love to do and make a conscious effort not to isolate yourself. i find that when i am 'out of sorts', talking about it with few people i trust, or just getting out of the house makes a world of difference..
so far as the lackluster halloween.. i whole-heartedly agree! the kids in my neighborhood were barely in costume, and rarely said 'thank you'. I guess we have to consider that the younger generations are not inheriting too lovely of a world, and it is up to us to inspire and motivate them. Sad to say, that the hilite of my halloween (besides fufilling my childhood dream of actually being a stormtrooper) was having my car get beaned with an egg. I was actually glad to see kids out goofing around... I'll take mischief over apathy any day!
I think that Being a social Butterfly isnt always the best thing. Sitting back just watching help you learn so much. Helps you learn about Women, People, Life, everything you ever wanna know all you have to do is just sit back and watch.....Sure its not always a good thing, but the time will come for you to break that habit, and you'll know when the time is right. Your the one that knows your self better than anyone else in this world. And its all on choices.....
I See you as a friend, I know your family, But theres only one person I can say I look up to as a big Brother.......and well, You know who that Is......Keep up and Do you, Im always here if you need someone to talk too!
so far as the lackluster halloween.. i whole-heartedly agree! the kids in my neighborhood were barely in costume, and rarely said 'thank you'. I guess we have to consider that the younger generations are not inheriting too lovely of a world, and it is up to us to inspire and motivate them. Sad to say, that the hilite of my halloween (besides fufilling my childhood dream of actually being a stormtrooper) was having my car get beaned with an egg. I was actually glad to see kids out goofing around... I'll take mischief over apathy any day!
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