(no subject)

Oct 26, 2006 01:04

Just some basics: I'm 19, a sophomore in college, and work at Victoria's Secret.

I skipped all my classes today. Well, techinically I was supposed to go to the library to look up some article for my Philosophy class, but that was a big "NO" when I chose to stay in the dorm and goof around. I mean, come on, it's not that hard: class or goofin around?? You chose. Anyways, my only hope is that I get nothin below a 'C' for my final grades this semester. You know, at the beginnin of my Freshman year, my ma was always tellin me that as long at I got nothin below a 'C' then she didn care about what kinda grades I got. Now she keeps tellin me "you know you can do better than that". Well ya know what? I don't care anymore. I really don't. I'm gonna tell my ma that if need be, if money gets to tight, I'll quit school for a while and join the military.

That another thing. No one thinks I'm serious about joinin the military, whether it be after college or sooner. True, I am kinda skeptical as to whether or not I would make it through boot or not, but that don't matter. I mean, that's what boot if for ain't it? To get ya ready for the military. Whatever. When I do go, I ain't gonna tell no one. That way I'll get the pleasure of seein their faces when I come outta boot in Marine Corps green. Actually I think that's more towards what they believe I can't do. The United States Marine Corps. But believe you me, if I'm gonna be joinin any brance of the US military it's gonna be the Marines.

Enough about school and furture careers. I keep tellin myself that it would be interestin to keep a diary or journal of some kind, but I can never find the time to actually sit down with a notebook and write. Then I figure why not try an online one? I'm on the computer for homework and the like anyways, it would be more convienient if you ask me. The only downfall bein the fact that its all electronic. In years to come, it is unlikely that I will be rememberin my password for this thing. But there's no harm in tryin anyways is there? And I ain't promisin to write every day like I would like, 'cause it's highly unlikely to occur. I guess that's all I have for tonight.

Goddess Bless.
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