Today was pretty uneventful. I had a meeting with one of my professors around 12:30 to go over some things from last class that went way over my head. The class is about designing jumping courses for horse shows, and I haven't been in a jumper ring since I was 11. The teacher just rambles on like everyone knows what she's talking about (and they, for the most part do. I'm the only one who doesn't ride hunter/jumper), and I get completely lost. Before I have a chance to ask her to explain, she's already moved on. Asking my classmates is of no help because they all tell me contradictory things, even about what should be a set, straightforward answer... Imagine it like being in a Latin class. The teacher is speaking Latin. But everyone in the class is speaking Pig Latin or Greek and not paying attention because they think they already know it. And here I am speaking, say, Thai, and I just want to learn Latin, but when I ask people for help they don't even understand that they're not right either. If any of that makes sense. It's really frustrating, so I set up an appointment with my professor and I feel a lot better about it now. Though I am kicking myself. I brought an assignment with me to turn in to her that was due to her by 2pm (because class was cancelled yesterday due to the power outage) and I COMPLETELY forgot to give it to her. I even pulled it out of my bag and flipped through it while I was walking to her office!!! Kicking myself so bad for that. I will leave it in her mail box when I am up there tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I have to get up at the asscrack of dawn. Yaaaaay. I am working my 3rd (of 4) practicum day, meaning I am supposed to be working at the barn from 7:30-4:30. Not bad at all. I am just not a fan of getting up at 5:30, after being kept up all night for roommate reasons, and having to deal with spoiled bratty children in college who think they shouldn't have to even tack up their own horse because "that's what staff is for." Heard that up there more than once. These kids have no concept of working or earning their keep. My last Practicum day (2 Saturdays ago) wasn't too bad, overall. It decided to snow out of nowhere and my friend and I barely made it on time, let alone in one piece. It was also 4 degrees outside. Couple that with my horrific circulation and I was in a lot of pain. Due to it being so cold, though, work was limited, so we were sent off by 11:15am. The Saturday before that I had my first practicum day of the semester, and I won't go into detail about how much of a frustrating disaster that was. I did handle myself properly and professionally, though, and got a perfect grade for the day. I can't say the same for my classmates who were "working" with me (They kept avoiding work and doing nothing all day. Their highest grade was a 30%).
Today I also sent out a book to someone! I am a part of
Reddit Gifts and I sent out the book that I picked up last weekend for the book exchange. My giftee should hopefully get it by the middle of next week!
Continuing the productivity, I sent out a couple applications for summer camps, all within 5 hours of my house and all with an equine program. Hopefully I hear back soon and can start planning for my summer. I really would like to have a job in place by April if I can. May at the absolute latest. Cross your fingers for me! I'm getting rather concerned about even having gas money for the rest of the semester. I have applied to several jobs around town, but no one wants to hire college students, especially out of state ones, because I'm only here until May 9...
Anyway, time for me to get going. I was staying up in case a friend needed me (she and her boyfriend are breaking up as I type this), so I will give them a little bit longer just in case, but I really do need to get to sleep. I can't do another Practicum day on 2 hours of sleep...