Bright Lights, Big City. She dreams of love...

May 26, 2018 23:19

I think I missed a week of updates D8

My trip back from NJ was ok. I came back on Mother's Day, and had dinner at my parents' house. All of us were there, so that was nice. The week went by kind of slow, and the weekend was just ok. My D&D friends I and saw Deadpool 2 last Sunday, so our session started late, but that's ok. We still managed to FINALLY beat the big boss, which means we just have a couple quick loose ends to finish up and then we can finally leave the kobold city we have been in for at least 6 months. It's been just over a week in-game @.@ I talked with our DM and I may get to earn a side character! My plan for it is to carry potions and heal people in battle (not actually fight) because our cleric is absolutely useless.

Work is going by pretty slowly the past two weeks. I am thinking we are in a lull because it is the off season. It will probably pick up in a couple months as bookstores begin prepping for the holiday book rush. My work has an online catalogue of educational videos, so I have watched a few on things like business ethics, note taking, and making effective to-do lists. I found some listed on out company intranet that are detailed and about the program that we use (SAP), but they weren't posted in our catalogue. My boss and I are looking into potentially setting aside a little bit of training time for me and the two other people on the production support team with me, so that we can all take it together. The courses are not directly related to our work, but they involve creating and changing purchase orders, which is directly related to what we ask of others. Basically, w email PO creators to say something is wrong with a PO. They are then supposed to adjust the PO, but we have no idea how they do this. Some creators will fix things within minutes like it is no problem, but asking the exact same of a different person can lead to them pushing back and making it seem like we are asking them to donate a kidney. We really would like to know more about their process to understand why we get the variety of responses.

Also had an ear infection all week. I accidentally got water in my ear when I was washing out hair dye last weekend :( I am surprised by how not terrible it has been, to be honest. Normally health things freak me out a LOT, but this hasn't. So that's a good thing.

Anyway, short post. Hope everyone is doing well!

I saw Deadpool 2 last Sunday. I really enjoyed it! The humor, the action, the Deadpool-ness. It was fantastic.I enjoyed the first one, but felt the gore was very overdone. This one, on the other hand, had what I felt was a good amount. I was also pleasantly surprised by how they took the couple romance-arc-related scenes seriously. I am not big on romances, but those few scenes felt like they were fom another movie entirely with the way they were handled. It was cool to see a movie pull that off, especially one like Deadpool.

I have started watching Better Call Saul... I will say that I wasn't a huge fan of Breaking Bad, but I did enjoy it enough to watch the entire series just after it finished (I don't like watching still-running shows. I always forget what happened and have to rewatch the entire thing anyway). This has definitely been different, but I am not sure that I ike it very much. It's... just okay. I'm not hooked and I may give it up if I come across something more interesting.

I also started Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I really really want to like this show, but right as I start getting into it they will say something that irks me! Why does every show have to get political?! I also cannot stand her friend Titus. His personality drives me up a freaking wall. I have known people who act like that, and I did not know them long because we always rubbed each other the wrong way. Sigh. I'm trying to like the show, honest.

movie:deadpool 2, work, family, movies, health, tv shows

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