It's Sunday again! I thought this day would never come. Geez, it's been a long week. I'll skip most of the boring details.
My riding lesson on Tuesday was off. Everything was just off, and I can't pinpoint any cause. I almost fell off over a jump, too. We were going over an oxer (two jumps one right in front of the other, and you jump them both at once, if that makes sense.
Here is a picture if you want to see what one looks like), and Kip took off way too far ahead, and landed way too far behind it. Instead of a nice half-circle of an arc, it was more like the long side of an oval. I ended up slamming my jaw into his neck, biting my lip in two places, losing one of my reins, losing one of my stirrups, and very nearly ate dirt. And of course Kip just cantered away like everything was going great. The rest of the lesson wasn't much better. My lesson on Thursday wasn't too great, either. I was supposed to ride Zanga, so I was looking forward to a straightforward, uneventful ride. While I was tacking up, I went to pick his feet and found out he had lost a shoe when he was turned out earlier in the day... What bothers me the most is that the working students are supposed to pick horse's feet when they bring them in from turnout. If they had, they would have noticed then that he was missing one and the whole mess of what happened next could have been avoided. I had to take him to the main barn to get his foot wrapped, which took time. Then I had to get barn management and my instructor, and we spent over 10 minutes trying to find a horse for me to ride. All of the horses had already gone, and only a very select few are allowed to go twice in one day. I ended up being put on Jebb, a pony that we lease from a summer camp. When I rode him at the start of last semester, he was really well behaved. He doesn't know much, but he would give his all and try, which is all I can ask. I haven't ridden him since September, and I can honestly tell you the horse I rode Thursday was not the same horse I rode back then. He fought me the whole ride, with his head up in the air, very stiff and not bending, would run away at the trot instead of canter, and didn't relax for even one second the entire ride. Plus, I was fifteen minutes late. It's a shame that this pony came to us so willing and kind and over just a few months we have made him into a tense, misbehaving, avoidance-prone animal.
On Wednesday, I recieved a call about the Barn Maager position I applied for. I think the phone interview went decently, but I am not entirely sure that I am what they are looking for. Plus, the woman knows that I am still in school, due to finish in May, so I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm only around 20. No, sorry, I'm almost 25. She gave me the speech about how barn managers work long hours every day, don't really get benefits, have a high risk of injury, don't get vacations, etc. All stuff that I know. Why do I know this? Because, like it says on my resume, I have been in the industry virtually my entire life, and I have managed at barns before. I don't know, I like the job, it is right down the road, and it would be a decent job to start at, but I don't see myself staying there terribly long-term. I have also been looking around for more office-related work in the industry, since I think it would be nice to have a normal 9-5 job, which comes with more benefits (health insurance, dental, vision, etc, whereas most barn jobs don't offer any), and would provide normal hours, weekends off, and evenings free. Since I have been pretty much living out of my car for the past two years, living across 3 different states, I really want some stability and predictability for a little while.
Yesterday, I had a nice outing with Dragon Age Girl. We went to Dover Saddlery, where I picked up some new half chaps. We had lunch at this Italian joint in the same plaza as Dover. I absolutely love that restaurant! It is a bit pricey, but you get enough food to have an entire meal's worth of leftovers that is still delicious reheated. Plus, they have these softball-sized ice cream truffles that are to die for <3 Over this weekend, I have spent a lot of time with my little group of almost-friends. I have to say, it has been nice having company and people around. I don't care for the drama that comes along with it, I just like the company when a certain few drama-creating brats aren't around.
Gaming: I played FFXV:Episode Gladiolus a couple of times. I enjoyed how they wrapped so much story into just a couple few-minute long dialogue sections. I also liked that there are game modes to it, which means added replayability. I feel like it was pretty short, though, and focused more on Cor than it did on Gladio. Don't get me wrong, Cor is cool and all, but I was hoping to learn more about the King's Shield. All it really did was reiterate that Gladio is really good at beating things up, even though the Big Baddie kept saying he needed to have brains, too. I would have liked to see a few puzzles to show that he used his head and not just his muscles. That being said, I am looking forward to playing it some more and beating my times and scores.
I played some Horizon Zero Dawn the other day, when I was hanging out with the group of acquaintances. They actually wanted me to bring my PS4 over, and they all voted on watching me play Horizon. I found it pretty funny. They started getting really into it, too, voting on quests to do, dialogue options to pick, etc. It was really fun!
Destiny's latest and final event, the Age of Triumph, started on Tuesday! I have a love/hate relationship with Destiny, mostly because people suck. For the last few months I have been flying solo, though, which has been nice. The event, though, means grouping up with people for certain activities (because who really wants to take on the Challenge of Elders solo?), so I have been getting in touch with the Dames of Destiny (I joined a few years ago because I kept running into too many guys who acted like shitheads and I wanted some fellow chick gamers to fight alongside), and I applied to join Safe Gamers. I am on Planet Destiny, too, but most people I have run with from there are very competitive, and I prefer to put enjoyment over scores. I spent a good chunk of Friday on the Destiny LFG board and was, for the most part, having a good, successful time. I ran into a few unpleasant idividuals that I peaced out on, but overall it was a successful day.
TV/Movies: I am close to giving up Gossip Girl and I think I have only finished three episodes. That's what, one a week on average? Painful. I don't like quitting shows, but I am just really not feeling it. I binged Stranger Things yesterday while I worked on my Warlock characte in Destiny. I thought it was good, but I'm not sure it's the "best thing ever" like so many people keep telling me. Maybe it's because it was just like tons of scifi movies I have already seen. I also watched the first season of Cooper Barret's Guide to Survivng Life. I started it when I used to have Hulu (rip Hulu's golden years), but didn't get to finish it. It is pretty funny, and a decent show to watch.
Anyone have any suggestions of shows or movies that I should see on Netflix?