Jan 16, 2007 23:31
Just thought I'd take the time to reflect on today, as it seemed to be such a revealing but beautiful day at times.
I worked at Target, where my newish manager has constantly bombarded me with DO NOT's, due to my opinions. He is only 23, and seems to make him self come across as 40. He unfortunately seems to be brain-fed the horrible rules of profit. "Don't recycle that, it costs too much money" he tells me, and shrugs a "I don't care" when I exclaim the world is in jeopardy because of this attitude (a random moment of Greenieness for me to be honest) "Do this and we get more profit" More profit this, more profit that. I realise that yes, a business can only run if it is making a substantial profit - but boy, does this get used way too much. Coles Myer (or now the Coles Group Limited) is a multi-national company, whom is supposed to be "helping Australian farmers" - by importing or making sure they pay peanuts for their produce, supplying "quality tested clothes" - from the slave factories of China.
Gosh, then there is the customers to remind me how "awesome" people are. Being rude, unthankful. Throwing clothes everywhere after you've just spent hours cleaning it (but I shouldn't really whinge, tis sort of part of the job)
Guess I am finally coming to terms on how crappy retail really is.
Today was an absolutely wonderful day though, weather wise. I felt really good being outside for lunch (with my laptop, eh). I also sat on top of my old primary school's oval to watch the sunset (and have a looksee at the comet atm) with my Cherry Ripe and iPod. Absolutely awesome. Before that, I was reminded by the lovely Steve at Amaroo deli of how greedy Coca Cola-Amatil is, and was delighted to discover how they raise their beverage prices twice every single year without fail. Kinda made me feel all warm and fuzzy after the day of Target's profit pushing. But sitting in the open air sure did feel good.
I went and saw an old friend of mine afterwards and stayed till quite late discussing the house she had just bought with her boyfriend, and how things have certainly changed since we left school. You see, I desperately want to move out of home, be financially stable and all that jazz. She on the other hand, has just purchased a house after being in a rental and is pretty much able to get things when she needs them.
I have this horrible little habit of comparing myself to others. For the past 18 months, I have been pondering - what makes you an adult?
Do you need to drive (bugger)
Do you need to have moved out of home (dammit)
Do you need to be married/engaged (er..)
This question has, much to my liking, become more important to me over the months, especially as I lean out of being a teenager. I am trying my hardest not to care, but since this year has began, I have had:
People ask me everyday at Target - "what year are you in/so you excited to go back to high school?"
Two men at the Golden Bowl where I waitress bet on how old I am
Or just the random - "how old are you?" with the subsequent "You're kidding!!"
I am turning 20 this year, and people still think I am 15 at the best of times. I am somehow wanting to "feel" like and adult, when in fact, no one seems to see me as one. Yet I have all these friends/people I know that are the same age as me, who are doing "adult" sort of things with their lives getting seen as being older. Then of course I have the dashing Mr Oliver, who is mostly mistaken for over 21 being a year younger. I am annoyed at myself for continuingly questioning my "adultness" or even worrying about what people think, but its just one of those things that kind of stick on my mind.
In the end, this day has shown me a lot - corporations suck (just reminding me of that fact), I need to be out in the fresh air more often, and I need to just let me be me, and ignore this adult business.