Mars needs women. Nezu needs...
Sleep, probably. That also starts with S.
The person on the first floor who has acquired a large, deep-voiced, anxious dog that barks incessantly for hours and hours starting very early in the morning needs
jbmcdragon's help (since she is a dog trainer.) If the dog doesn't shut up soon, I'm also going to need help. Or possibly some
dumbcane to feed the dog. Except that won't really work, despite its name, and it would be cruel and then I'd have to hate myself. My mom had a dieffenbachia plant when I was a kid, and my sister and I were cautioned repeatedly not to eat it because it would make us lose our voices. Then one day our cat took a bite, and it did meow hoarsely, but mostly it sounded sad, and we worried it would be sick. It survived, but yeah. Dumbcane fails to live up to its name, and it can actually hurt you, so I wouldn't really feed it to that dog. But I do wish the dog would hush.
So I slept very little. Two and a half hours. It was going to be more but it ended up being what it was because.
Well just because.
Because I got home late and ate dinner at 11 PM, and watched Project Runway which I'd tivoed. And then it was about 1:00 AM when I checked my email and chat before going to bed and ended up talking to a couple friends in Europe where it was day, even though it was night here. (And one friend here who was staying up insanely late.) So I didn't actually go to bed until nearly six, and then that dog started barking sometime around seven or eight, and I was planning to be up at nine anyway, and the sun was coming in all aggressively and bright, and...
Not enough sleep makes everything seem hard. I know this.
Also I've been a little down. Feeling kind of lonely and bereft and cut off and... Yeah. That long phone call I had in the ridiculously early hours of this morning with
darksideofstorm was really, really helpful, and well worth the lost sleep.
So anyway I don't have anything to say, really, but I thought I should update this. I wrote this big long thing last night, but took it down and made it private, because it was stuff I needed to say to myself but not so much to everyone else.
Some days I really don't much care for myself, though. Some days enlightenment feels very far away and hard to achieve. Probably I should pray. Or meditate. Or possibly sleep more than two and a half hours.