May 20, 2010 13:41
So, Jaeger is awesome, of course. But you don't know HOW awesome. Yeah, he's adorable and whatnot, but he's awesome about food in particular. Now, I know that kids develop preferences later on, and that he'll probably stop being adventurous... HOWEVER:
We've been doing "baby led weaning". We'd tried baby purees (homemade, not storebought) and he was NOT interested in steamed carrots (who would be?!) or applesauce (surprising). So, we backed off a bit, and just gave him stuff to teethe on, or explore, like apples, carrot sticks, rice, etc.
Ever since he popped his first (and only) tooth, he's gotten REALLY into food. If he sees you eating, he makes a beeline for you. He loves Club crackers and will snatch them out of my hand to chow them down. Cheerios are big as well. But he doesn't like everything, and if he doesn't like it, he spits it out, and presses his lips together. We don't make him eat things he doesn't want to eat, and we generally just feed him off of our plates. We have no known allergies in our families (I have food intolerances but no *allergies*) and so we're being more relaxed than some folks I am sure.
Anyway, last night we had risotto with wild chives and yellow morels, and he ate a good tablespoon and a half or more of that! He LOVED it. Then he sucked on some roasted asparagus (olive oil, a touch of seasalt) and LOVED that. And he had a BIG strawberry at the Green Market, and a piece of locally made sheepscheese, and some bread. When he ate the cheese, he hummed and kicked his feet :) When he at the strawberry, he just refused to take it out of his mouth until he was zoned out in strawberry fueled bliss.
I'm really really enjoying this phase :) He's a little over 10 months, and just so cuddly, and fun. I love watching him explore, crawl, cruise, and EAT. He loves to watch me cook. I hope that he'll cook with me some day!