Study finds mercury in HFCS.
I already avoid it.
Since the effects of mercury poisoning (in particular on fetuses and children) include
cognitive thinking, memory, attention, language, and fine motor and visual spatial skills, I wonder at the rise of ADHD and it's connection to what we eat, and when we eat it
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i went through the links and downloaded a PDF of the article referenced. It is poorly written, but if you actually dig down there long enough you'll find that they're measuring Hg concentrations only as high as 300 parts per TRILLION (in oatmeal). There was no differentiation made between elemental Hg and Methyl-Hg compounds (the most harmful).
Most of items came up as non detected and most of those that did detect had concentrations just over the low detection limit of the instruments. Working down at the PPT level is prone to error. There was no data for each sample showing retests and variation in reading.
There seems to be very little correlation between concentration of HFCS and concentration of mercury in the total foodstuff. This leads one to believe that some (if not most) of the Hg found is coming from other sources in these foods.
Even if you do assume that these test results are totally accurate and meaningful, the total concentrations are STILL so amazingly small to be essentially meaningless. Keep in mind that tuna is up over 1 part par MILLION methyl-Hg (1,000,000 PPT!!)."
Either way, I don't know your friend, and you haven't mentioned what his credentials are.
I have not read the original research, obviously.
What is really annoying to me is that you hardly ever comment in my journal, and whenever you do, it's to make some orthagonal point with no backup, that's a disagreement with whatever I've written. I'm not really sure why you keep reading, since it appears we have so little in common.
i too try to ignore HFCS, and what prompted me to reply is that this same story cropped up in 3 places in 24 hours. that to me, smacks of "scare"... and since i had additional information, i thought you and others might want it.
i read your journal and look forward to it because what you write about offers a viewpoint different than mine.
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