Feb 01, 2007 17:16

I got this on email and decided to pimp it as much as humanly possible, since, you know, it's a REALLY cool idea.

> >
> > The "Alliance pour la Planète" (a national grouping of environmental
> > associations) appeals to all citizens to give the planet 5 minutes
> > respite :
> >
> > Everybody to extinguish all their lights and illuminations and turn
> > off equipment on stand-by on the 1st February 2007 from 18h55 until
> > 19h00. (GMT)
> >
> > The purpose is not just to save electricity for 5 minutes that day, but
> > to
> > draw the attention of citizens, the media and the authorities to the
> > waste
> > of energy and the need to initiate action! 5 minutes respite for the
> > planet:
> > that's not long, it costs nothing and will show our politicians that
> > climate
> > change is something which should figure prominently in political
> debates.
> >
> > Why the 1st February? Because that is the day on which the latest
> > report of the United Nations Panel of Experts is to be released in
> Paris.
> >
> > Although this event is scheduled to take place in France, we should not
> > miss
> > this opportunity of drawing attention to the global climatic situation.
> >
> > If we all participate our actions will have great public and political
> > resonance, at an important moment in our political life.!
> >
> > Please make this appeal as widely known as possible in your own circles
> > and
> > networks ! please also publish it on your websites and in your
> > newsletters.
> >
> >
> > hey guys. due to popular demand.. we think it would be best to do a
> > 'wave' across the world instead of people working out what time it
> would
> > be in your time zone. so basically just turn off everything at 6.55pm
> > YOUR time and let's watch this wave go.
> >
> > secondly, of course this event wont change the world's climate
> overnight
> > but what it will do is show people that we do care about climate change
> > and something much bigger than our little 'lights out' event needs to
> be
> > done!
> >
> > So dont just stop after this little event but carry on everyday being
> > aware of the little things that you can do to save our world.

So, at 6:55 (YOUR time) turn off the lights, computers, TVs, Stereos etc for five minutes, light some candles and save a polarbear! And PLEASE pass this on, either via email or by copy-pasting to your  LJ to get a bunch of people involved!

am leaving this unflocked for obvious reasons. heal the world.

save the world

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