Community Rules

Jan 06, 2009 21:22

Below are the community rules. They are pretty much common sense, but I thought I'd post them anyway.

If more rules need to be put in place, I can add them as we go. I figure it will be a pretty organic thing.

+ Most importantly, stay on topic. For example, Handy and Martha and their relationship to one another [in either universe] is on topic, but Ten and Martha and their relationship to one another, without any reference to the Handy/Martha relationship, is off-topic.
+ Rose Tyler can feature in your story/art/etc, of course, but the Handy/Martha relationship should be the main focus of things. Also, please no Rose-bashing or ship wars. Writing insightful and articulate meta about how you believe Rose might not be right for Handy [and Martha is instead] is one thing, but childish bashing of her character is another thing entirely. Please be mature, people. Everyone has different tastes and different favorites, we are here to celebrate a mutual favorite of ours, not to hate on another pairing.
+ On a related note: Be nice to each other. Sure, we can have a few heated debates here and there, but please stay respectful to one another.
+ Fanart, fan fiction, and other fannish-offerings are very much encouraged, but if you post something that is sexually explicit, please put it behind an lj-cut and put a warning for the rating.
+ When posting icons, graphics, or photos, please feel free to post as many as you like. If you are posting more than three photos and/or icons, though, please put the rest behind an lj-cut. An lj-cut goes as follows: [*lj-cut text="text goes here..."]{pictures/longer text}[*/lj-cut]. (Just remove the stars and replace the [ ] for <> for a successful cut.)
+ When cross-posting icons, please try and keep the icons you post here on topic. The entire set does not need to be Martha/Handy, of course, but a batch of Donna and Ten icons [while quite beautiful, I'm sure] with no icons of Martha/Handy is off-topic. Also, it is preferred if you keep your 'preview icons' [the icons before your lj-cut] on topic, if possible.
+ No pimping of other communities without permission from the mod
+ We love affiliates! If you'd like affiliate with us, please feel free to drop me a line on this post or send a PM for consideration.

If you have any suggestions or questions about any of the rules above, please feel free to contact me at any time!

Your moderator,

!mod post

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