Welcome Post & Affiliation

Jan 06, 2009 21:02

Welcome to New World | New Love!

Whether you call him 10.5, 10.2, human!Doctor, alt!Doctor, bluesuit!Doctor, other Ten, or -- my affectionate favorite -- Handy, the Doctor's clone, grown from his severed hand at the end of series 4, has captured the imagination of many a fan. He is a character that is imbued with so many possibilities for this new human life that he is embarking on in the alt!verse/parallel world, and many people have been enjoying exploring those exciting possibilities in fan fiction, fanart, and a myriad of other creative expressions.

That brings us here. Sure, at the end of 'Journey's End' we saw the Doctor leaving this newborn gent with Rose to take care of, but while that might be the end of a journey in some ways for other characters, the human Doctor's story does not end at Bad Wolf Bay -- it truly begins.

With so many choices laid out before him, one avenue this community wishes to explore is the possibility of a relationship between this human Doctor and the Martha Jones (of the parallel universe or, in an AU setting, our own). The idea of the community is not to be disrespectful of any relationship he may have had with Rose in the parallel world, but instead to play around with one of his other options.

This community aims to be a haven for not only fan fiction about this pairing, but fanart (icons, headers, banners, drawings...you name it!), meta, and anything else that is topical for these two characters together.

The Martha Jones in these fics can either be the one from the alt!verse -- a character ripe for her own creative expression, as she remains canonically a mystery to us -- or for the Martha Jones we have all come to know and love in our own universe. (NOTE: Of course the latter would be based on an AU universe where Handy was not dropped off in the parallel world, but stayed in ours instead, but I've already seen several creative ideas for this pairing and wholeheartedly welcome more of that here).

I greatly look forward to seeing what all of you have to offer in celebration of this intriguing, interesting, and inspiring pairing!

Your moderator,

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If you would like to affiliate with our community, please drop a comment to this post (or send me a PM) and we will happily consider your request.

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