(Lack of) Martha Jones Fic @ The Children of Time Awards

Jan 11, 2009 00:31

I posted this on lifeonmartha already and, though I don't want to be spammy, I thought I would also post it here as well. Apologies for the cross-post.

The Children of Time Awards nominees for Round Two are in the midst of being added and I was thinking that perhaps this time we could all get together and nominate more Martha-centric fic for a change.

Last round, there was barely any Martha fic at all and, for someone who is one of my favorite Doctor Who characters, I personally found this a bit sad. Perhaps this time we can work toward showing our love for Martha and, as I said above, nominate some fics.

Is there an author that you really love? Nominate them! Is there a fic that you really love? Nominate it! They can be either gen or shippy fics (Tom/Martha, Jack/Martha, Doctor/Martha, Donna/Martha, Rose/Martha...anyone!), as long as the fic has been written within the last year. You can nominate more than one, even. Whatever you like!

I know Martha-fandom has been a bit quieter lately, but maybe this will show some of the other parts of fandom that we are still here and still just as much fans of our girl, the ever-awesome Dr Martha Jones.

Nominations are being accepted from January 1, 2009 through January 25, 2009 and then voting runs from February 1, 2009 through February 25, 2009. So hurry!

awards, other comms or places

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