Discussion Post: The Martha/Handy Pairing

Jan 09, 2009 03:22

Welcome to all of the new members!

We now have 30 members and that makes me ridiculously happy!

I'm trying to think of some ways to jump start this community, so it was suggested that we could probably start off with a discussion post. Of course anyone is welcome to post their own discussions and meta as well -- in fact it is highly encouraged that you do -- but until then...

Discussion Question:
What interests you in the pairing of Handy* and Martha [alternate or otherwise]?

Please everyone try to keep the discussion friendly and civil. I would hate for this to dissolve into a bunch of wank and in-fighting. I know that many of you probably have some very passionate feelings on the subject, but we are all here to have fun, yeah?

Now to think up my own answer...hmmm...


*My default name for the human Doctor tends to be Handy, just because it is, well, 'handy' short hand. Obviously people are free to use another other name for him that you see fit -- especially as fandom can't seem to agree on a name for him. LOL!

discussion, !mod post

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