Heather Dale house concert <3

Sep 13, 2010 22:02

Last night I watched Heather Dale sing at a house concert, then participated in a Bardic Circle with her and the group of us who stayed after the concert for the group singing. AMAZING NIGHT OMFG.

For the unfamiliar, Heather Dale sings songs based on medieval, mythological, and classical stories, favoring Arthurian stories. So when liadan_m called me yesterday afternoon and asked if I'd like to drive with her to a Heather Dale house concert in Columbia, I said OMFGYES! The homeowner and liadan_m are friends with each other and Heather Dale through the SCA. So, uh, yes. My life is awesome.

The concert was in Rhodrey's basement. There were 20-30 of us there, sitting on couches and chairs and on a guest bed in the very back. Heather Dale and her bandmate, Ben, performed a few feet in front of the couch where I sat. It was awesome! She performs like one would expect a bard to perform: like a storyteller, with actions reflecting the song, rather than relying on the lyrics alone to tell the story. She was very expressive and her voice carried well and strong. I had great fun, and she seemed to be having fun performing for us too. ^__^

After the concert, we had a bardic circle--the first I'd ever participated in. We all sat in a circle and performed for one another by turns. We all sang songs, though stories and poetry are permissible too. If you know the song, you're encouraged to join in, so people did when they could. Heather Dale participated! ^__^ There were 7 to 10 of us in the circle. I sang "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun"--a combination I never would've thought of had matociquala not thought of it first. I had a blast singing for them, even though I was nervous. They told me I should come with liadan_m to Bardic Bedlam, a weekend event full of bardic circles and good times. I want to go, and liadan_m says she will take me with her. Yay! Participating really made me want to write songs again. So...I think I shall. ^__^

Finally, because I want to share the love and spread the joy, I'm linking to downloads of some of my favorite songs of hers. So, in order of mythological/legendary chronology:

About Inuit goddess Sedna, who created the animals in the sea. Refrain reminds me a bit of a Native American chant.

About one of my favorite mythological beings, Medusa. Involves self-image, what makes someone beautiful, bitterness, and badassery.

About King Arthur and his pulling of the sword from the stone. I love singing the refrain--can't help myself!

Mordred's Lullaby
About King Arthur's bastard son, Mordred. It's a lullaby Heather Dale imagines his "mother", Morgan le Fay, might have sung him. Pretty, but also eerie and haunting--it's a lullaby to a child, but concerns the dark destiny Morgana le Fay was grooming him for.

From the perspective of Joan of Arc. Powerful song about an independent woman.

I hope you enjoy the music! ♥♥♥

music, friends, writing & creativity, squee & win

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